Well after a day or so of being upset about not getting that last job I interviewed for, I stopped looking at the company with rose colored glasses and realized that yes, the job sounded great, but it wasn't perfect. There were some things I didn't like about it and I'm sure something even better will come up.
I applied to a few this morning and am keeping with my scheme of applying only to jobs that I really want and would be happy with. I know that sounds logical, but when you're looking for jobs, I've found that I used to apply to anything I was remotely qualified for, no matter the company or position. Now I am only applying to places that I genuinely like and would be excited about.
In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy my time off as much as I can. It's rare to have this kind of time to just do what I want to do and not worry about a schedule or work. I'm catching up on shows, reading, blogging, cooking and baking a lot and that's been a lot of fun. I"ve actually gotten to try out some Pinterest recipes I pinned! I'm sure I'll eventually find a job where people see my qualifications, but until then, it's nice to enjoy the time without a job.
That was a really quick turnaround. Your positivity and optimism are always so impressive. I'm glad you're taking advantage of your extra time!