Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Ducks

I read this in A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle today and I enjoyed it a lot. When ducks get into a fight, they use their energy and battle it out in a pond. When the fight is over, each duck glides away across the pond in opposite directions and they shake their feathers out, releasing any extra pent-up energy from the fight. After that, the ducks continue on. If those ducks were like humans, with human brains, they would continue playing out that fight in their mind. They would be thinking "how dare he get up in my face" and "I'll get back at him someday," etc. The fight would continue on in the duck's mind...maybe for days, months, or even years. Humans tend to do this. They keep the fight going on in their minds. They don't just shake it off like a duck and forget about it. Holding on to this resentment and anger is harmful, morso to ourselves than to the object of the anger. Going forward, I hope to be more like the duck, that shakes it off and moves on, focusing on now rather than continuing to carry anger from the past.

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