Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That's my Number

Trying to find a title for this blog was pretty hard. I didn't want to limit myself to one topic because what I feel like writing about today may be completely different from what I feel like writing about tomorrow. I was thinking about things that interest me and things I have written about in the past. That includes everything from exercise and beauty tips to travel to spirituality to music to cooking to jobs, to family and relationships, and everything in between.

There have been so many thoughts in my head that I've been wanting to start some kind of blog, but I usually stop myself because I can't decide on what to write about. So instead of doing that, I'll just go ahead and start something.

Anyway, back to the title. 108 was my favorite number when I was a kid. Anytime someone would ask me my favorite number I would respond "a hundred and eight." I don't know why, but that number always stuck in my head. I later learned that 108 has a more spiritual meaning, especially when it comes to meditation and yoga. Here are some good explanations for that. There are 108 beads on a mala, a string of beads used in some meditation practices. I have my own set of mala beads simply because of that fact. I have never gotten heavily involved in yoga or meditation, but I have tried them many times, and I enjoy practicing both. Maybe subconsciously, I always knew this would help me later in life.

So, soon I will start posting some of my thoughts on who knows what. I just wanted to start out with a brief intro and explanation about what this blog is and where the title came from. I'll be back with more soon!

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