I feel like I need to be a little less easygoing at work. Overall, everything has been fine, but every so often, I feel like I'm being taken advantage of. I know, that happens to pretty much everyone who works ever, but it gets to me sometimes. I am the only employee in my group who is non-exempt, so I have to clock in and out in order to track my time. The others in my group forget this sometimes, and just do their thing. Foe example, on a holiday weekend, a lot of times, my boss will let everyone go early. She forgets though, that if I leave early, I won't get paid for time time I don't work. I would have to make up the time. If she would tell us in advance, I could make up the time beforehand, but usually it's a spur of the moment thing. Everyone else gets to leave without worry and I have to decide between 2 hours less pay or 2 hours more time.
Last week, we had 1 co-worker on vacation, and there was a day when another had to leave early. I go home at lunch every day to walk the puppy, so I had to be sure my boss was around to cover the department before I could go to lunch. My co-worker left and my boss stopped by to say she just had to drop something off at someone else's desk and she's be right back. I told her I was going to go walk the puppy when she got back. It was around 11:40 and I had to be back at 1 for an interview, so I really had to leave at noon to get my full hour. My boss didn't return until 12:20....I lost 20 minutes of my lunch because of the 1:00 interview (that she scheduled). So I just had to take it.
Finally, my schedule is 8:30-5. My co-worker sometimes would schedule interviews at 8, and I would work 8-4:30. I don't mind doing that, in fact I prefer it; however my coworker just did this to me for tomorrow without asking me first. It's gotten harder to get here at 8 with puppy stuff to deal with in the morning, but I'll do it. I just wish I had been asked first. I feel like people just walk all over me and figure I will be flexible with whatever, so no need to even consult me. Anyway, just needed to get that all off my chest. Thanks, internet! Have a great day!